TAXES BY US full-service at DIY prices only $109, 5 minute questionnaire & attach documents, direct contact modes, nothing remote  & after complete Sprintax is DIY, online only, no direct contact or assistance & starts at $97
Glacier is DIY, online only and no direct contact or assistance  
To Keep our Country & States Running by Funding Them
To Provide Revenues for the U.S. Federal, State & Local Governments 
To Fund Social Programs & Projects, Services, Goods & Activities of All Kinds


Every individual & business with any income generated in the U.S. 
Pay yearly mandatory taxes
Per the IRS Website:
IRS receives data directly from 3rd parties – employers & fin’l institutions
Automated system compares information reported to your tax return 
Income Tax:  Amount you pay & withheld from paycheck each pay period I
Three types:
  1. Federal (everyone pays Federal)
  2.  State (all income states & you on CPT or OPT except 9 States) 
  3.  Local (all local tax municipalities like NYC, Chicago, LA, St Louis, et al)
Deducted from Your Employee Paycheck Each Pay Period
   – Federal Income Tax Withdrawal
   – State Income Tax Withdrawal
Adjusted by Filing 1040 NR Tax  Returns
Not an Income Tax return
An informational Statement for U.S. Non-Residents
   To Claim Exempt Individual on Substantial Presence Test 
   All F-1, J-1, M-1 Student Visa (including your spouse and/or dependent            Students Studying &/or on Working CPT or OPT in U.S. 5 Years or less
Prove exempt individual did not meet substantial presence test 
 Mandatory legal obligation, stay compliant & requirement of the U.S.
Did not file prior years, IRS says better late than never filing
Send each Form 8843 separately with a letter of explanation
Or ask Taxes by US to do it just for $15 per form + postage
Visit website on IRS website and Do-It-Yourself
Simply let Taxes by US send you a 5-minute questionnaire, attach few documents & prepare and send for you for only $15 + postage
Per the IRS
Unlike not filing tax returns – no monetary penalty but other consequences
Not file Form 8843, you may not exclude day present in the U.S.
Being considered a U.S. resident under SPT
Can affect future visa applications
NEVER…NEVER…NEVER….NEVER…only if you are a U.S. resident meaning 
F, J, M student & exchange: 5 or 5+ years in U.S., passed SPT & filed  F 8843 TurboTax only file Form 1040 for U.S. individuals (Google Form) and 
U.S. Nonresidents file Form 1040NR for Nonresidents  
If you filed incorrectly with TurboTax when IRS reviews or audits lead to huge penalties, accumulating interest and fees (Google)